Sunday, November 3, 2013

1st grade--how to writing transferred to Educreations

My 1st grade students have done several pieces of "how to" writing since the beginning of the year including "how to... (different classroom rules)", "how to...(buddy activity with 5th grade about using playground equipment), and "how to carve a pumpkin".

Today I asked students to books at different reading difficulties that include "how to" directions. We discussed the similarities and differences in formats for writing "how to" directions. Then students wrote their own "how to" directions. I gave them 4 topic choices and asked them to each select the one that they could teach the best. They wrote their directions on paper first and then read them into the Educreations app after illustrating the different steps.

This was one of the 1st Educreations projects we've shared whole class and the big take-away message for 80% of the students is that they need to speak louder while recording.

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