I read House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle aloud. We talked about the
use of adverbs to describe how the hermit crab picked up each animal. We
also talked about how he marked the passage of time (months) and the
use of synonyms for "said". Finally we discussed the repeating pattern
of the book and its circle story format.
Students wrote their own
story. They chose a main character animal and 3 animals that would help
the main character improve its home. Writing was done on paper and we
did not spend time editing because we were rushed--that has been the theme this whole week! I just read through
the stories to be sure they made sense and had the students share them with each other. In 20 minutes students worked
on their own and created 3 DrawingPad illustrations on the iPad, 1 for each animal
that came to the main character's aid. They imported the photos to
SonicPics and recorded themselves reading their story. The final product
was shared by email.
Since this was only their 2nd time using
SonicPics and they had to create 3 pages of artwork, it would have been better to give
them more.
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