Saturday, March 14, 2015

2 Day Whirlwind at SXSWEdu

I was fortunate enough to attend SXSWEdu on Tuesday and Wednesday with the backing of Silicon Valley Education Foundation.

I had a chance to meet with several app developers, both some that I have connected with previously and some whose apps I hadn't yet experienced.

Here's a brief wrap-up of some of the sessions I attended.

It's Elementary, My Dear: Primary is BOSS--good refresher for me of where to focus--choice, voice, differentiation

Portal2--cool game-based learning, probably beyond what my 2nd graders would do, but it was fun to watch the experience

Cartography--I loved this presentation by some National Geographic representatives. I was excited to learn about 2nd grade resources on their website

Project Designers--a good review of some of my Buck Institute training, especifically about how to get students to inquire and collaborate

iBeacon--probably my favorite session of the whole conference. I learned how to use Locly to make iBeacons work. I had access to some iBeacons last spring from an instructional coach, but we were unable to get them to actually do anything. Now I know how to get content to my students. Locly seems easy to use and has many variables that can be altered, such as duration and distance.

Then it was off to be a teacher shark at #SharkTankEdu, sponsored by Silicon Valley Education Foundation, Innovate NYC Schools, and Leap Innovations. The companies pitching at the event were Kiddom, Wonderlib, Steriome, and Improveclass. It was a fun opportunity and a great chance to meet other teachers. I had a chance to meet many of the active member of #dtk12chat.

The Butterfly Effect--expeditionary learning, great reminder to model, allow time for peer critique, and make work purposeful

Personalized Learning--think high expectations with hands-on, make students do the work, they are never "done"

Innovative Thinking--getting kids to be inventors, take a problem and ask them to use everyday objects to model a solution, take an everyday object, how else can it be used

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