Saturday, December 20, 2014

Farmyard App for Creating Word Problems

We reviewed several math concepts this week (missing addend, adding 4 numbers, geometry, fractions, place value). One open-ended activity was for each student to create a story problem using the Farmyard app. However, they kept the question to themselves. They brought the scene into Skitch and annotated by adding the solution to their problem.

Next, students exchanged iPads and looked at the Skitch their partner created. They brought that into My Story or Educreations and wrote/spoke what they thought the word problem was that their partner was solving as well as what math topic it addressed. They traded iPads back to see if their partner was able to correctly determine the word problem based only on the work shown as the solution and the scene.

For example, in the scene below, the original question was, "How many animals are on the farm?" and the skill was adding 4 numbers.

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