Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Understanding the 5 Food Groups

We are again working on our nutrition unit from the Dairy Council. Each year I've been changing-up the iPad projects a little bit. This year after completing our workbook pages about the 5 food groups I asked student to read more about them. I am really loving the Epic app. Students reading at or above grade level read books about each food group from that app as well as paper books. The books in Epic that have information about the food groups were a little advanced for some of my lower readers, so they read several paper books. Epic does have books for younger students (probably pre-school/K) about the food groups but they are really just picture books without much other information.

After reading with partners, students were paired with a different partner to create a food group book using My Story. Each page in the book focused on 1 food group and gave some examples (words and pictures), why the food group is nutritionally beneficial, and how many servings kids should have each day. Finally, pairs of students shared their book with a different pair. They read to each other and checked for accuracy, discussing any points of disagreement and referring back to the text for evidence when necessary.

We will continue this unit with the a snack Popplet, balance meal creation, and some of the other activites done in the last few years.

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